Lowes Appliance Truckloads

Lowes scratch and dent and customer returns truckloads are our top selling appliance truckload and have been for the past 5 years. There are a number of reasons for this.
Quite a few of the loads are processed in small local/regional centers where they do not have the resources to sort through every item. We see scratch and dent items included in the returns loads as a result. These centers are spread out throughout the country, which helps with shipping and the appliance mix being good for the region. The southeastern and Texas centers have loads with all or almost all electric appliances.
The returns loads generally run very clean out of the small centers. They cost less than scratch and dent and don’t have as much cosmetic damage. We sell a lot of these.
The Lowes appliance truckloads are required to be shipped within 72 hours of purchase. You need to be able to move quickly on the purchase end but will usually receive the load in less than a week from purchase.
You get to see a manifest before making a purchase.
The scratch and dent items on these loads come with the standard manufacturer’s warranty. The customer returns come with the balance of the manufacturer’s warranty from the time the item was placed in service.
The loads sell within minutes of becoming available. New loads come out multiple times weekly. We have worked with these loads over 20 years and can get you the good loads whether supply is tight or not.
Click buttons for sample manifests
These are past loads that have been sold. The pricing may not be representitive of current pricing.
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