Processed and Unprocessed Truckloads
Most all liquidation truckloads are processed or unprocessed by the retailer or jobber that prepares the loads.
Processed truckloads have the retailer or jobber categorize, sort, and/or remove items in the load. There are several reasons for this, most of which maximize returns to the retailer. A retailer may remove all the mixers, tools, cameras, or other premium items from a general merchandise truckload and sell them separately for a premium price. Whoever buys the sorted items probably paid too much to make any money. The remaining truckload is worth a lot less with many of the premium items removed. Most liquidation truckload are currently processed but at much different levels.
Unprocessed or minimally processed truckloads may have some of the highest retail items like computers and mobile phones removed but a lot of the premium items are left in the load making for a higher value better variety load. There are a handful of retailers in the industry that still only minimally process loads. This is where our best truckloads come from.